Untangled Coaching

Hello and welcome!

Thank you for stopping by 🙏😇

On this website, and its sister site Untangled Healing you will find a lot of information about the way I work with people and how I help them achieve incredible transformations - be it physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, or all of the above!

I mostly work with two kinds of people:
- people who are suffering from chronic pain, illness or unexplained medical conditions
- people feeling stuck, unmotivated, lost or those who know they listen to their fears a little too much.

Book a FREE chat to talk about how I can help, and potentially consider working on just coaching, just healing, or my preferred method - a combination of both!

Untangling Natural Cancer Healing

The summit changes how you see cancer, regardless of whether you are the one with the diagnosis, a family member or caregiver, or if you are someone interested in alternative healing and approaches.

This summit is not here to tell you which treatment path you should follow but to offer inspiration and empowerment on your journey.

Click the button to learn more about the 42 speakers and what they offer! Register today - Summit starts on Jan 21st!

Lifestyle Coach of the Year winner

Self-paced online courses:

If your negative self talk is so active that you find yourself not doing, not daring, then this course is for you!

This course helps you recognise your own liar and the ways in which it is holding you back. The course teaches you new ways to approach your daily challenges and internal conversations.
Enrol in course

If you're constantly feeling overwhelmed and behind in life then this course is for you!
Learn to recognise the conversations you have with yourself and which affirm your negative views about yourself. Find out what you can do instead, in order to be more confident, more reassured and more empowered to be you.
Enrol in course

Enhance your Confidence (FREE download)

This workbook is for you if you've been struggling with low self esteem, self worth or low confidence and prefer the 'do it yourself' approach.
This workbook offers you a new way of understanding what is holding you back from having the confidence you wish for. With a few easy to follow steps, you can change how you view yourself and get some new confidence into your life.

Simple steps to get you started on your own transformation!

About me

Hello and welcome! My name is einav (ay-nav) and I'm super excited you are here! Before becoming a Confidence and Empowerment Coach, I was a User Experience Designer, working in Financial Services (and mostly loving every minute of it). Until one day I decided this was no longer what I wanted to do. I jumped ship and went on a coaching and NLP course that got me started on the journey that led me to where I am today.

How would I describe my coaching approach? Equal, deep, trusting, motivating, transformational, rewarding and fun. Each and every one of my clients is truly amazing, and I love the trusted, safe, judgment-free and open our relationship is. While I guide you on your transformation journey, you are the one guiding the pace, the depth, the results. Why become my client? Because I go with you as deep and as wide as you'd allow us to go. I help you see the reasons beyond the symptoms: it's not just about how you're feeling right now, it's what led you here, and how, when we identify the negative self talk and limiting beliefs that are holding you back, we create an empowered path for your new future.

Every session I give you new tools and approaches for you to add to your own toolbox, meaning you will be able to continue your transformation long after we stopped working together. What is one thing you should know about me? I started life as a non-confident, low self esteem person. It took me a whole lot of adventures and reflections to get me to where I am today: I'm still a work in progress, but I know that my story and my methods can help you get to a place where yo feel confident and empowered to have the life you want for yourself.

What now? I hope that you reach out and book a free connection call with me. It's not going to be a pushy sales-call, it will be an opportunity for us to connect. You can tell me what is happening for you right now and we'll see together where that's taking us.

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About limiting beliefs and negative voice

There's a lot to be said about our belief systems and the way we talk to ourselves. So often we cap our abilities and possibilities, because we have an unconscious belief that we can't have, be or do better than what or where we're currently at.
These beliefs and conversations do a marvellous job at keeping us very small and very scared of creating the life we actually want to live. You might be reading this thinking 'life' is a big word, so how about chunking it down?
 - Having the financial freedom you dream of
- Having a job / career that meet your purpose / interest / joy - Having relationships that are nurturing, supportive and meaningful (and loving)
- Having 'me time' to look after yourself: gym, hobbies, & socially

We all have elements in our life we don't like or enjoy, or that frustrate us, but when we believe they define us, that we know we are dealing with a wonky belief system:
 * The promotion always goes to other people
* I'll never be able to earn more than £x.xx a month / a year
* S/he will never go out with someone like me
* I'll never have that (body, confidence, luck...)

To work with me you must be open to exploring what is holding you back. What are the stories you tell yourself and the problem you hold on to so tightly. More importantly, you must be open to finding out your unconscious 'stop' signs and do the work to smash them to pieces. Only reach out if you're fed up of mediocracy. If you recognise that if it could be true for someone, it can be true for you too. All it is is your belief systems that need to be fine tuned and become supportive of your true life vision.